Another fantastic week in Year 5 this week.
In English, we have continued looking at The Tear Thief. We have been thinking about creating packaging for our very own potions. We started by looking at lots of medicine packaging and thinking about what types of features we need to include. We then thought about an emotion that our potion could make someone feel before finding lots of different vocabulary to describe that emotion. Today we have started to write the information for the packaging by describing what the potion does and its ingredients.
In Maths, we have been looking at subtracting and adding fraction. We started by recapping our knowledge from Year 4 and then looking at adding fractions with different denominators. We used bar models to help us!
In Science, we continued to look at how to separate mixtures by using melting freezing. We froze lots of items in a block of ice and thought about how to get them out!
In Computing, we continued to be hackers! Using software, we infiltrated different websites HTML and changed images on websites this week. The children loved the lesson, particularly when they realised they could change the pictures of staff on the school website!
In Topic, Mr Hoyle continued the topic of Anglo Saxons. Children were learning about what Britain was like before the Angles and Vikings came!
Stars of the week in Year 5 this week were Yousseff and Michael
A quick reminder about homework! Children bring home a comprehension every Friday and we ask that they are brought back in on a Tuesday. They also have access to Active Learn bug club. This allows them to read stories and complete short quizzes about them. All children