Hi everyone!
Welcome to this weeks blog! What a busy week it's been in Year 6! The children have been working so hard and we are so impressed with their dedication to their learning!
Over the past couple of weeks we have based all of our learning around 'Rain Player' - a Mayan myth which explores the story of Pik, a young boy who challenges Chac (the god of rain) to a game of Pok A Tok (or football as we now refer to it as!) We have really enjoyed writing non-chronological reports about different Mayan gods, before discussing the story in detail and sequencing the main events in preparation for writing our own Mayan myths in the coming weeks!
We have been working hard on the four operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division - and have learned several different methods to help us solve questions involving these skills! We found division the most challenging although we are getting so much better in this area and will soon be experts i'm sure!
Our topic lessons this week have involved us using the atlases to locate South and Central America before locating the countries and capital cities that can be found there. We then looked at the physical features of these places and discussed why we thought the Mayan civilization may have chosen to settle there.
Learning Hero!
Last weeks learning hero was Charlotte, who received her award for producing an excellent report about Mayan Gods using all of the features we had been learning! It was a pleasure to read!
This weeks learning hero was Zac, for showing great focus in all his lessons and for writing some brilliant compound and complex sentences.
Last weeks learning hero was Ruby, for some amazing predictions in her reading lessons.
This weeks learning hero was Aini for having fantastic engagement in topic and being totally absorbed in her learning about the Mayans.
PE kits
Please remember that our classes have PE on a Tuesday and should come to school wearing their PE kits. It is really important the children remember to bring their kits on this day so they can get fully involved in their PE lesson.
Home Learning Books
Tonight the children will be bringing home a selection of books that should be kept at home, to be used if we have to close our class bubble. There will be a letter with the books which explains which book is for what. Please keep an eye out for these.
Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!
Miss Andrew and Miss Evans :)