14 February 2020

Spring 2 Week 1

Welcome back!


This week we began reading our new power of reading text- Oliver Twist. It has the children hooked already and they have been generating some marvellous vocabulary to describe the character of Oliver.


In maths, we are learning about length and perimeter,…

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Image of 3SS - Happy Half Term!
12 February 2020

3SS - Happy Half Term!

Our attendance for last week was 97%. Well done!  We had 4 late marks. 

This week has been ECO WEEK! We have been learning all about the environment and how pollution affects our planet. 

In English we had a very engaging text. Ours was Superfrog and the Big Stink. The text was all…

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Image of Final week of Spring 1!
9 February 2020

Final week of Spring 1!

We have had a fabulous week in  school during our ECO week. We learned all about pollution, created timelines of pollution, studied types of pollution, made art prints and discovered more of what we could do to help prevent pollution.

In maths, we worked on statistics, including bar charts,…

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Image of 3SS - Penultimate Week of Spring 1
6 February 2020

3SS - Penultimate Week of Spring 1

Our attendance for last week was 98%. Well done!  We had 2 late marks. 

In English, we have worked incredibly hard to present our Into the Forest script. We selected our favourite scene and then got ourselves into groups ready to rehearse these. We made sure to follow the stage directions…

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31 January 2020

penultimate week

We have had an extremely busy week in year 3, which culminated in our performance of our play script. The children id amazingly well and it was lovely to see so many parents and carers there. Thank you to everyone who came to watch the children. I was so proud of them all !

We have now…

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Image of 3SS - Friday 31st January 2020
30 January 2020

3SS - Friday 31st January 2020

Our attendance for last week was 95%. Let's see this improve!   We had 2 late marks. 

In English, we have worked incredibly hard and shown such determination when writing our scripts around the events that happen in our focus text, Into the Forest. We have included adverbs, stage…

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24 January 2020

Another action packed week!

Another busy week has gone past in a flash! It has been filled with fantastic learning and the children have been working as hard as they always do


We are completing our pay scripts this week and the beginning of next, ready to perform them for you all next Friday.



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Image of 3SS - Busy, Busy, Busy
24 January 2020

3SS - Busy, Busy, Busy

Our attendance for was 99%. Let's see this improve!   We had 4 late marks. 

In English, we have continued with our text Into the Forest. We have now planned our scripts and begun to write them. We recapped on the features and had a go at performing to ensure we are clear on what we need…

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16 January 2020

Still in the forest

Watch this video with your child to see how exciting our text is.


In maths, we have been dividing two digits by one digit using dienes and place value counters.

Our topic remains "Droylsden Detectives" and the children were disappointed that we had to postpone our local area walk…

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Image of Friday 17th January 2020
16 January 2020

Friday 17th January 2020

Our attendance for was 95.8%. Let's see this improve!   We had 11 late marks. 

As a school we pay for online resources such as Active Learn https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0 and Times Table Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/

The children should be accessing these once a week to…

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Image of Welcome Back 3SS
9 January 2020

Welcome Back 3SS

Our attendance for the last week of term was 100%. Well done. Let's keep this up!  We had 6 late marks. 

As a school we pay for online resources such as Active Learn https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0 and Times Table Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/

The children should be…

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Image of 3SS - IT'S CHRISTMAS!
19 December 2019


Our attendance for last week was 94%. This needs to improve!!  We had 4 late marks. 

I have updated the book bands on Active Learn to reflect these so please ensure your child logs on to check out what is new. 


It's been a week filled with Christmas fun! We have made Christmas…

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